colleen flaherty colleen flaherty

Could raising property taxes could help affordable housing in Maui?

Here is a very interesting article by Kenna StormoGipson called, Here’s An Affordable Housing Plan That’s Already Working.

Portland, San Francisco and LA have all upped property taxes to build housing. Hawaii — which has the lowest property taxes in the country — should do the same with its investment properties, starting in Maui.

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colleen flaherty colleen flaherty

Chinatown gets proposal for 15 story hotel.

Max Rodriguez wrote an article in KHON2 news about the proposed project by Ikenakea Development. The proposal is for a 15 floor hotel in the Chinatown neighborhood of Honolulu. There is also a video about the proposed project.

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colleen flaherty colleen flaherty

HCBD’ s Kali Watson and Patti Barbee’s visions in the Ka Wai Ola News.

In the December 27, 2019 article, Hawaiian Community Development Board: A New Vision for Affordable Housing, By Puanani Fernandez-Akamine, she writes about HCBD’ s Kali Watson and Patti Barbee’s visions. HCDB was founded by Kali as a continuation of his passion for providing Native Hawaiian families with affordable housing options.

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